A three-member unit consisting of composer Koba, arranger K8er, and visual artist KA2U.

The melodious lines of KOBA's composition are rooted in classical music, which he has been exposed to since his childhood.
The melodic lines are rooted in the classical music that Koba has been exposed to since his childhood, while K8er's years of experience in building synths and his sophisticated mixing and mastering techniques have created a new genre of music that has never been heard before.
KA2U, who specializes in graphics, is currently developing media with visual expressions by making full use of video and artwork.


・Misplace     2019年インストゥルメンタルトップミュージックビデオ1位 (日本)
・S.L.O.T.     2021年J-Popトップソング2位 (フィジー)
・青春十八物語   2021年J-Popトップソング2位 (ヨルダン)
その他、Spotify『Hatsune Miku Radio』等プレイリストイン曲多数!!
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